Cherry Springs State Park

Cherry Springs State Park is nearly as remote and wild today as it was two centuries ago.

Named for the large stands of black cherry trees originally found in the area, the 82-acre state park is surrounded by the 262,000-acre Susquehannock State Forest. The Susquehannock Trail passes nearby and offers 85 miles of backpacking and hiking.

Night sky enthusiasts flock to the park for its dark skies which are famous for great views of the Milky Way, planets, and hard-to-see astronomical objects and phenomena.

Seasons and Hours

The park is open every day of the year.

The Cherry Springs Rustic Campground is open the second Friday of April through the last weekend in October.

The Night Sky Public Viewing Area is intended for short term (a few hours or less) star gazing and is not permitted for overnight stays.

The Overnight Astronomy Observation Field is open to registered users all night.

Contact the Lyman Run State Park office for facility seasons and hours.


Campsites in the campground are reservable. Make online reservations or call toll-free 888-PA-PARKS, from 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday to Saturday.

A Pennsylvania map that shows the location of Cherry Springs State Park


Cherry Springs State Park is in on PA 44 in Potter County.

GPS DD:Lat. 41.66384 Long. -77.82321

A circular map that shows the roads surrounding Cherry Springs State Park

Dark Skies at Cherry Springs

Due to its exceptionally dark skies, Cherry Springs State Park is one of the best places on the eastern seaboard for stargazing and the science of astronomy, which is the study and observation of:

  • Planets
  • Nebulae
  • Galaxies
  • Stars
  • Other heavenly bodies

A dark night sky is a natural resource, just like plants, waterways, and wildlife. Recognizing this unique resource needed to be managed and protected, during 2000, DCNR declared Cherry Springs State Park its first Dark Sky Park.

Learn, Experience, Connect

Cherry Springs State Park offers a wide variety of environmental education programs year round. Visitors gain appreciation and awareness toward the natural and historical resources through guided walks and hands-on activities.

Weather permitting, a park educator or guest speaker presents public stargazing programs in the Night Sky Public Viewing Area and amphitheater.

These free programs are available throughout the summer. Program schedules are published in the local paper and at DCNR's calendar of events.

Woodsmen Show

During 1952, the first Woodsmen Show at Cherry Springs State Park attracted a crowd of 4,000 people.

Today, the annual Woodsmen Show attracts thousands of spectators for the early August event. The show features lumberjack contests in:

  • Tree-felling
  • Log rolling
  • Spring board chopping
  • Standing block chop
  • Chain-saw events

Rules and Regulations

For a safe and enjoyable park visit, all state park rules and regulations apply, including:

  • Campfires -- Open fires are prohibited. Grills are located in the picnic area at the pavilion. Traditional campsites with fire rings are located in the park campground across the road.
  • Pets -- Pets are prohibited in the Night Sky Public Viewing Area, Overnight Astronomy Observation Field, and Rustic Campground.
  • Alcohol -- Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in Pennsylvania state parks. 
  • Green Lasers -- Green laser pointers are prohibited in the park at all times and for all reasons.
  • Food, Wildlife, and Trash -- Food scraps invite scavengers, such as black bears, raccoons, opossums, and skunks. Store food in a vehicle to prevent damage to your equipment. Please wash dishes in a dish pan, then dispose of the water. No dishwashing is permitted in the restrooms or at the hydrants. Please place trash, accumulated during your stay, in the appropriate receptacles.

Cell Phones 

Cherry Springs is very remote and most cell phones do not have network coverage. Currently, available providers are Verizon and T-mobile.

Dark Sky Fund/Association

The Cherry Springs Dark Sky Fund/Association is a “Friends” group under the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation.

Their mission is the protection of the dark night sky at Cherry Springs State Park and enhancing the astronomy experience through facility improvement and educational outreach programs.

Dark Sky Fund donations will be used to enhance the stargazing and astronomy experience at Cherry Springs State Park. Physical improvements to the park will help to eliminate any outside light pollution and remove overhead obstructions.

Donations will also be used to educate local residents and visitors about the value of the night sky resource and why it needs to be preserved.

Fund donations have been used to:

  • Plant light screening trees and shrubs
  • Convert all park lighting to shielded, red-light fixtures
  • Bury overhead electrical lines
  • Install electrical pedestals on the astronomy field

The fund also has provided educational materials about astronomy and environmentally friendly lighting in the park and surrounding communities.

Decisions about how the fund monies are spent are a collaborative effort of the park management and the Dark Sky Fund Advisory Council. The council is made up of astronomers from all over the country who regularly observe at Cherry Springs.

How to Donate

Donation forms and envelopes for the Cherry Springs Dark Sky Fund are available at the astronomy information bulletin board, located adjacent to the restroom on the Overnight Astronomy Observation Field and donations may be inserted into the Dark Sky Fund’s donation tube -- a square, blue fee tube located next to the astronomy information bulletin board.

Please do not combine park fees and donation fees. Use the separate forms and envelopes. Thanks for your support!

Access for People with Disabilities

This activity or structure is ADA accessible. If you need an accommodation to participate in park activities due to a disability, please contact the park you plan to visit.

In an Emergency

Call 911 and contact a park employee. Potter County is a part of the 911 Emergency Service System. A free, local-use phone is located at the camper check-in station.

Directions to the nearest hospital are posted on bulletin boards.

Nearest Hospital

1001 East Second Street
Coudersport, PA 16915

​Explore Cherry Springs State Park

Cherry Springs State Park

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