Contact the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources works to conserve and sustain Pennsylvania’s natural resources for present and future generations’ use and enjoyment.

The headquarters is located at:

Rachel Carson State Office Building
400 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17105

Bureaus in the department include:

For general questions or comments about the department, use the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Contact Us Form.

Contact the department by telephone at the following:

  • General information: 717-787-2869
  • Employment information: 717-783-5788
  • Communications/press office: 717-772-9101
  • State park reservations: (888) PA-PARKS, 888-727-2757

Right-to-Know Requests

The department is committed to making its public records easily available to persons requesting them. The first step is to informally ask for records from the department. If you choose this informal method and are not satisfied with the department’s response, you are free to submit a formal Right-to-Know Law Request Form (PDF) for the records at any time.

For more information, please view the department’s Policy for Responding to Right-to-Know Law Requests (PDF). If you have questions, you can contact the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Open Records Officer at 717-705-2830.

Informal Request

Check this website for the information you are seeking. If you cannot find the information on our website, we encourage you to contact staff at the bureaus listed above. If you need help finding the appropriate contact person, call The department at 717-787-2869 (TTY, 1-800-654-5984) or use the Contact Us Form.


Staff will do all we can to provide you with the records you seek in a time frame that meets your needs. If we cannot give you the requested records, we will explain why -- for example, we may not have the records or we may consider them to be confidential. If we cannot provide the records within your requested time frame, we will explain why extra time is needed.


  • The department will charge $.25 per page for photocopies, although on-site photocopying may be at a reduced rate of $.15, at the discretion of the department. A page is one side of a black-and-white 8.5” x 11” page.
  • The department may waive duplication fees for 20 pages or less.
  • The department will charge $1 per copy for certified copies, when requested.
  • The department will charge the actual cost for facsimile, microfiche or other media, as well as for specialized documents, such as blue prints, color copies, non-standard-sized documents.
  • The department will charge the actual cost of postage, except that postage under $1 will be waived.

In addition to the above fees, The department reserves the right, in appropriate cases, to charge reasonable fees for necessarily incurred costs.

Payment shall be made by check or money order payable to “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.” Cash will not be accepted. Payment will be due prior to providing access to the records.

When the department has processed a request for records and determined that the fee will be less than $25, the department may provide the records without requiring payment in advance. If the estimated fee for records exceeds $100, the department may require payment of the estimated fee before processing the request.