Pennsylvania Envirothon

Pennsylvania Envirothon is a fun, academic event that challenges high school students to think critically about the natural world and their roles in it.

It is a natural resource environmental education program that combines classroom learning and outdoor activities. ​At the Pennsylvania Envirothon, teams of five high school students compete in field testing using their knowledge in these topic areas:

  • Soils and Land Use
  • Aquatic Ecology
  • Forestry
  • Wildlife
  • Environmental Issues

DCNR is a partner in the Pennsylvania Envirothon.

Forestry Topics Explored in Envirothon

DCNR’s Bureau of Forestry supports this program by providing resources and expertise for forestry topics.

With the guidance of professional foresters, students learn basic forestry principles and practices -- from tree identification to forest structure and dynamics.

Forestry topics explored during Pennsylvania Envirothon include:

Forest Ecology

  • Vertical structure
  • Succession
  • Plant communities as wildlife habitat
  • Biodiversity

Forest Resource Management and Protection

  • Identification of Pennsylvania tree and shrub species
  • Forest types
  • Growth and life cycles of woody plants
  • Forest measurements
  • Resource evaluation and management practices
  • Forest land ownership
  • Value of forests for forest products, wildlife, watershed quality, and recreation
  • Regulations
  • Pests and diseases
  • Invasive species
  • Wildfire and prescribed fire

Community Forestry

  • Benefits of trees in urban and suburban communities
  • Planting and maintenance of community trees
  • Municipal tree programs

Participate in Pennsylvania Envirothon

Teachers, students, and volunteers interested in participating or getting involved with the Pennsylvania Envirothon should contact Lorelle Steach, Pennsylvania Envirothon executive director.

Additional Information

Pennsylvania Envirothon Website

Envirothon Forestry Learning Objectives and Reference Materials

Pennsylvania Envirothon Facebook


With questions about the forestry component of Pennsylvania Envirothon, email DCNR's Bureau of Forestry.