Become a Poll Worker

Elections in Pennsylvania are made possible by thousands of regular citizens serving as poll workers. We all depend on responsible workers to run smooth elections.

Benefits of Being a Poll Worker

  • Learn about elections in PA
  • Gain valuable experience
  • Get paid for trainings and Election Day
  • Help your local community
  • Be a champion of democracy


  • In general, you must be registered to vote in the county where you wish to work. (Exceptions exist for 17-year-old high school students, who must meet additional requirements. High school students should contact their county election office).
  • Government officials and government employees are not allowed to serve as poll workers. Exceptions exist for district judges, notaries public, and members of the Pennsylvania National Guard. Likewise, you are generally not allowed to serve if your name appears on the ballot.
  • Poll workers generally work for the entire day on Election Day, from before the time the polls open at 7:00 am, until after the polls close at 8:00 pm.



Are you a 17-year-old junior or senior?

You can help your community, and be a champion of democracy, by becoming a poll worker on Election Day.

How to Become a Poll Worker

If you are interested in becoming a poll worker, fill out the Poll Worker Interest form.

After you submit the form, your county's election office will contact you.

You may reach out to the election office to follow up. You can find the contact information on the Contact Your Election Officials page.

Apply Now

Fill out an interest form online

Fill out an interest form online

Contact your county election office

Contact your county election office