Pennsylvania Behavioral Health Council

“I’ve heard from students, parents, providers, and so many others who have told me about the growing challenges of dealing with mental health challenges and substance use disorder, which are so often intertwined. For the first time, our Commonwealth [has] a senior leader in the Governor’s Office whose full-time job is to focus on this specific work and reach across all levels of government to improve our mental health and recovery services.”
-Governor Josh Shapiro


In October 2023, Governor Josh Shapiro established the Pennsylvania Behavioral Health Council through an executive order. The purpose of this action and development of the Council is to address any gaps in access, affordability, and delivery of mental health and substance use disorder services in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Management Directive 720.05 Amended

Press Release

If you are currently in crisis,
contact 988.

For more information on the 988 crisis line, please visit

I've heard from Pennsylvanians who are dealing with mental health and substance use disorder issues.

It's why I took action.

I signed an Executive Order to streamline processes, break down the silos, and deliver better services for those asking for help.

— Governor Josh Shapiro (@GovernorShapiro) October 18, 2023

Behavioral Health Council Meeting Schedule

The Pennsylvania Behavioral Health Council will meet on the third Tuesday of the month.

12/19/2023 – 1:00 PM12.19.2023-Agenda In-Person
1/16/2024 – 1:00 PM  Virtual
2/20/2024  Virtual
3/19/2024  In-Person
4/16/2024  Virtual

Advisory Committee of the Behavioral Health Council

The Advisory Committee of the Behavioral Health Council will meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month.

Schedule coming soon.

Meet the Behavioral Health Council

The Council is comprised of 33 members, and it includes a diverse array of stakeholders with representation from state, county, and local governments, the provider community, advocacy groups, and individuals with lived experiences. All will seek to create a more holistic healthcare delivery system in Pennsylvania.

Commonwealth Representatives

















Representatives with lived or living experiences and family members




County Representatives







Clinical Representatives





Legislative Representatives from the General Assembly





Meet the Advisory Committee of the Behavioral Health Council

Coming soon.

Please check back in the future; there will a form where you be able provide ideas, feedback, and concerns. We welcome your input.