Governor Shapiro Gets Stuff Done: Giving Pennsylvanians the Freedom to Chart Their Own Course and the Opportunity to Succeed

On day one, Governor Shapiro signed an Executive Order announcing 92 percent of state government jobs are open to applicants without college degrees.


In his first year, the Governor also created a first-in-the-nation job training program and secured $30 million for vo-tech and apprenticeship programs.


Harrisburg, PA – During his first year in office, Governor Josh Shapiro and his Administration have gotten stuff done by taking direct action to expand opportunity and ensure more Pennsylvanians have the freedom to chart their own course. On his first day in office, Governor Shapiro signed an Executive Order prioritizing skills and experience in Commonwealth hiring, announcing that 92 percent of Commonwealth jobs no longer require a college degree. The Shapiro Administration also launched a new initiative to create 10,000 new jobs through workforce training development program opportunities and secured a $30 million investment in apprenticeship programs and vo-tech in the 2023-24 budget.    

As the Governor said while addressing the Pennsylvania Press Club in November, “My Administration is showing that we value skills and experience. Every Pennsylvanian has a different path in life. For some, that means a college degree. For others, it means hands-on experience – in a trade, in the military, in the field. We need to respect both of those paths equally – and ensure Pennsylvanians have the chance to chart their own course and the opportunity to succeed.”

Read more about the Shapiro Administration’s work to help Pennsylvanians have the freedom to chart their own course and the opportunity to succeed below.

Prioritizing Skills and Experience in Commonwealth Hiring: After Executive Order on Day One, Governor Shapiro Reports that Nearly 60 Percent of New Commonwealth Hires Don’t Have a Four-Year Degree

  • On his first full day in office, Governor Shapiro announced that effective immediately, 92 percent of state government jobs – about 65,000 positions – no longer require a four-year college degree.
  • Governor Shapiro also ordered all state agencies under his jurisdiction to take steps to emphasize work experience in their hiring, and launched a new website where applicants can easily search among the thousands of open positions that don’t require a four-year degree. That website is now linked from the homepage at
  • As a result, nearly one year later, nearly 60 percent of the Commonwealth’s new hires don’t have a college degree – meaning that hundreds of new employees were given an opportunity to succeed because of their skills and experiences.   

Creating the Commonwealth Workforce Transformation Program: A First-in-the-Nation Workforce Training Program to Invest $400 Million in On-the-Job Training and Create 10,000 New Jobs

  • In July, Governor Shapiro signed an Executive Order creating the Commonwealth Workforce Transformation Program (CWTP), a first-in-the-nation job training program that uses federal funds via workforce development grants to ensure companies, contractors, unions, and others who are working to build Pennsylvania’s infrastructure have the skilled workforce they need while creating real opportunity for thousands of new workers across the Commonwealth.
  • The program allows organizations doing important infrastructure work funded by President Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) or the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to receive up to $40,000 for each new worker they train and up to a maximum of $400,000 per contract or award under the IRA and IIJA to help accelerate critical investments in infrastructure development – from repairing our roads and bridges, to modernizing our energy, water, and sewer infrastructure – all across Pennsylvania.
  • This model initiative will be the largest infusion in funding for workforce training in Pennsylvania history, resulting in as much as $400 million for workforce training and as many as 10,000 new jobs in the next five years.

Investing in Apprenticeship Programs and Workforce Training: Governor Shapiro Secured a $30 Million Investment in Workforce Training & the Department of Labor & Industry Has Registered 28 New Apprenticeship Programs, Enrolled More than 4,600 New Apprentices This Year

  • In his inaugural budget address, Governor Shapiro shared his comprehensive plan to invest in apprenticeship programs, expand vo-tech, and bring career and technical education back into Pennsylvania classrooms.
  • The Shapiro Administration has delivered on that commitment to prioritize workforce training and development by securing significant budget investments and creating new opportunities for Pennsylvania workers.
  • The 2023-24 budget secured $23.5 million to prepare more students for skilled careers, $6 million in pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programming, and an additional $3.5 million to fund the Schools-to-Work Program to develop and expand career pathways for high school students via partnerships between schools, employers, organizations, and the Commonwealth.
  • As a result of the Shapiro Administration prioritizing vo-tech in our classrooms and apprenticeships after high school, the Department of Labor & Industry has registered 28 new apprenticeship programs – which have enrolled more than 4,600 new apprentices.

The Shapiro Administration will continue to invest in apprenticeships, workforce development training programs and opportunities, and career and technical education to help Pennsylvanians chart their own course and have real opportunity to succeed. 


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