Governor Shapiro Gets Stuff Done: 200 Appointments Confirmed by Republican-Led Senate in Just 11 Months, Nearly Four Times the Number Confirmed in 2015

200 of Governor Shapiro’s appointees have been confirmed in a bipartisan manner in just the first 11 months of his Administration, filling key roles in making government work efficiently.


Harrisburg, PA – Following the end of the 2023 legislative session, Governor Josh Shapiro announced that the State Senate has confirmed his 200th appointment – showing clearly that in his first year in office, the Governor and his Administration are working with lawmakers on a bipartisan basis to ensure key positions in the courtroom and on boards and commissions are filled with qualified, experienced nominees.

“Yesterday, the State Senate confirmed my 200th appointment — filling critical positions in our government from judgeships, licensing boards, and commissions that oversee everything from workers’ compensation to utilities. I’m proud of the collaborative work we’ve done with Senate Majority Leader Pittman and Minority Leader Costa to fill these roles efficiently and with qualified nominees. This is yet another example of the good we can accomplish for the people of Pennsylvania when we put partisan differences asides and focus on getting things done.” - Governor Josh Shapiro 

In 2015, the first year of the Wolf Administration, the Senate confirmed 57 appointments.

In addition to appointing qualified and bipartisan leaders to his cabinet, Governor Shapiro worked with the Senate to confirm appointments to crucial boards spanning various sectors – from professional licensing boards, to the Public Utility Commission, to the Environmental Hearing Board and the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. This does not include the nearly 500 non-confirmable appointments that Governor Shapiro made to equally as impactful boards and commissions, like the Workforce Development Board and the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. 

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