Required Documentation to make changes in EdNA
Brick and Mortar Charter Schools
CS = Charter Schools
SD = School District
* = Considered a material change in the charter approval by the authorizer
X = Required
| Revised Articles of Incorporation | CS Board approved meeting minutes reflecting the CS Board motion and resolution | Request to amend delineating the purpose of/reason for change | SD Board approved meeting minutes reflecting the SD Board motion and resolution |
School Name | X | X | X | X |
Administrative Office Relocation | | X | X | X |
School Relocation | | X | X | X |
Facilities Expansion/Reduction | | X | X | X |
Grade Level Expansion | | X | X | X |
Student Population Reprioritization* | | X | X | X |
Curriculum Framework Redesign | | X | X | X |
Administrator | | X | X | |
Phone Number | | | X | |
Web Address | | | X | |
Status (open/closed) | | X | X | X |
Mailing Address | | X | X | |
Grade Years | | X | X | |