Professional Members:

Becker, Jeffrey, O.D. 
03/30/22-03/30/26 USQ for Six Months
2nd Term

Berson, O.D. Marc
10/26/22-10/26/26 USQ for Six Months
1st Term

Chubb, O.D., F.A.A.O, Luanne K. (Chairperson)
5/25/21 - 5/25/25 USQ for Six Months
2nd Term

Godfrey,  O.D., John (Vice Chair)
10/26/22-10/26/26 USQ for Six Months
2nd Term

Verma, O.D. Satya
6/25/24 - 6/25/28 USQ for Six Months
1st Term

Umlauf, O.D., Perry C.
10/26/22-10/26/26 USQ for Six Months
2nd Term

Wilcox, O.D., Ph. D, Denise T.  (Secretary)
02/09/22-02/09/26 USQ for Six Months
2nd Term

Vacant, Position Open


Public Members:

Vacant, Position Open

Vacant, Position Open

Vacant, Position Open



Blair, Esther  (Consumer Protection)
Office of Attorney General 

Claggett, Arion R.
Acting Commissioner of the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs



Majority of members (seven) 

USQ=Until Successor Qualifies

8 Optometrists 
3 Public Members 
1 Consumer Protection 
1 Commissioner