What are considered HHCS?

EVV Error Status Codes


Error Status Description


EVV PCS Visit Verified


Duplicate Matching EVV PCS Visit Found


PCS Units Billed Exceed Units Verified in EVV


No Matching EVV PCS Visit Found


EVV Web Service Timeout


EVV Internal Error


EVV — PROMISe Internal Error


EVV — Not Make a Call/Data Missing


EVV Internal Record Format Error


EVV HHCS Visit Verified


Duplicate Matching EVV HHCS Visit Found


HHCS Units Billed Exceed Units Verified in EVV


No Matching EVV HHCS Visit Found

EVV Provider Training

DHS, Gainwell Technologies, and Sandata are using a “train the trainer” approach. One person from each agency must attend training in order to use and access the DHS Sandata system. Those users can train other agency staff using recorded webinars or the online library of role-based training modules as aids. A maximum of two individuals per agency may complete the classroom and webinar training sessions. At least one of the agency employees who participate in training should be an EVV system administrator. At least one representative of your agency must complete all required training to receive your login credentials to the DHS Sandata system. You will need credentials to input your direct care workers’ data into the system. If your agency operates with multiple provider numbers, you must satisfy the training requirements for each provider number (9-digit MPI).

DHS Sandata System Training

DHS EVV System training is available for Fee-For-Service HHCS providers who elect to use the free DHS EVV System. Provider agencies choosing the DHS EVV System must complete this training to begin the process of setting up their agency's accounts and security permissions. Please note: Current Personal Care Services (PCS) users of the DHS EVV System are not required to retake training.

LMS Training Courses

Administrators can acquire access to DHS EVV system (login) credentials upon completion of the initial self-paced Administrator "Security and Overview" modules in the Sandata Learning Management System (LMS). Once completed, the agency administrator will be sent a training completion confirmation email from noreply@myabsorb.com. This email will include information on how you and your agency supervisors may access additional training, as well as how to share training opportunities with the remaining staff members in your agency.

You should receive the completion email within 24 hours of completing the course. If you have not received the email, please check your spam folder. If there is not a completion email in your inbox or spam/junk folder, please open a ticket with the Provider Assistance Center (PAC). Please submit only open one ticket per MPI. PAC contact information can be found below.

  • Agency EVV Administrators only — After August 10, 2022, please sign up for a learning profile and to take the Security and Overview courses in the LMS. NOTE: The LMS will not be available for the HHCS program's initial training courses until August 10.
  • A LMS Quick Reference Guide is available to assist users how to sign up and take training in the LMS portal.

The initial administrator training courses that you can expect to take in the LMS portal are the Overview and Security courses. These two courses will take approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes in total to complete.

LMS Training Courses offered are the following:



Content Overview

Intended Audience


60 mins

This course supplies an overview of the modules in the Sandata EVV system. The course covers login requirements, common elements, the functionality available throughout the system, an explanation of the different modules, and a description of the information available within each module. It also includes an introduction to running standard reports available in the Sandata EVV system.

Designated Agency Representative/Security Administrator




40 mins

This course covers how users are added, managed, and deleted from an Agency's EVV account. Agency providers need this course to set up administrative users who will manage the Agency's EVV portal account.

Designated Agency Representative/Security Administrator

After taking these initial courses in Sandata's LMS, you will receive weblinks that you and other staff in your agency can use to take additional EVV system training. The Sandata EVV program recognizes that agency providers may have different people in distinct roles in their organization who will use the EVV system.

Agencies should plan to allow themselves ample time to complete training for their staff and set up new users.

EVV training is role-based. Training topics are broken into shorter courses that can be taken separately by agency staff members who need each course. Training options that will be available for registration by provider agency staff include:

  • Self-Paced Video Training
    • View training materials by signing up for Sandata On-Demand
    • This online, self-paced training method allows trainees to access training materials independently. These self-paced courses are accessed through Sandata on Demand and cover each module of the EVV system. They are short training videos and are available 24 hours a day, 7-days a week for the life of the program. Independent Web-Based Training can be a great resource as a refresher or a way to train new staff.
  • Live Instructor-Led Webinar Training

Sign up for Live Instructor-Led Webinar Trainings
These courses cover each module of the EVV system. Participants will register for the desired webinar courses and attend from a remote location, using their own computer with internet access. Participants can listen to the webinars either by calling in by phone or through computer audio. Instructor-led webinar courses offered include:

Courses Available


Content Overview

Intended Audience


60 mins

This course supplies an overview of the modules in the Sandata EVV system. The course covers login requirements, common elements, functionality available throughout the system, an explanation of the different modules, and a description of the information available within each module. It also includes an introduction to running standard reports available in the Sandata EVV system.

Office Staff


40 mins

This course covers how users are added, managed, and deleted from an Agency's EVV account. Agency providers will need this course to set up administrative users who will manage the Agency's EVV portal account.

Designated Agency Representative/Security Administrator

Data Entry

60 mins

This course explains how to search for, create, edit, and deactivate client and employee (caregiver) records in the Sandata EVV system.

Office Staff

Visit Capture

30 mins

This course walks through the process a caregiver uses to start and complete a visit using mobile and telephony visit verification methods.

Office Staff and Caregivers

Visit Maintenance

90 mins

This course provides a detailed review of the Visit Maintenance module. It explains how to use the available filters to review visit data, the visit exceptions, and how to clear or resolve each exception. The user also learns how to perform visit maintenance and how to manually create and edit visits.

Office Staff

Group Visits (Caregiver)


30 mins

This course explains how a caregiver starts and completes a group visit using mobile and telephony visit verification methods.

Office Staff and Caregivers

Group Visits (Agency)

45 mins

This course focuses on how group visit information is viewed in the Sandata EVV Agency Portal and how to perform visit maintenance on group visits.

Office Staff


30 mins

This course will review how to enter and what to enter to avoid claims denial.

Office Staff


60 mins

This course reviews how to view, create and edit schedules, both individual or recurring schedules for Clients and/or Employees.

Office Staff

Live Instructor-Led In-Person Training

  • Access the calendar to To attend the in-Person sessions
    The in-person sessions have been developed for the Agency EVV Administrator role. Participants will register for the available day of the session they’d like to attend. The in-person session will allow the trainees to complete hands-on functional activities while the trainer demonstrates the EVV system functionality. Trainees will be using pre-developed and fictional data while interacting with the EVV system. The in-person training sessions for the PA HHCS EVV Training will be held at Harrisburg University, 326 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101.
  • Training sessions will be offered on August 16-18, 2022.
  • The session will be a single full day from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., with (2) 15-minute breaks and a full hour for lunch. (Lunch will be on your own and not provided as part of the training). NOTE: The training session will begin promptly at 9 a.m., please be sure to arrive early enough to set up your laptop and prepare for the session.
  • Registration is required for attendance at the in-person sessions. Link included below to register.
  • The maximum number of trainees per daily session is limited to 25. Preference will be given to administrators of new HHCS providers.
  • Each trainee will need to bring a Wi-Fi-enabled device (laptop) to complete the hands-on activities.
  • It is highly recommended that in-person trainees complete the required LMS Overview and Security courses prior to attending the in-person session.

Further details will be emailed to each registered trainee prior to the session.

Training topics covered during the in-person session include:

Training Topic



How to search for, create, edit, and inactivate Client and/or Employee records.


How to view, create and edit schedules, both individual or recurring schedules for Clients and/or Employees

Visit Capture

How a caregiver starts and completes a visit using the mobile app, telephony, and fixed visit verification methods. In addition, participants see how visits show in the Sandata EVV system.

Visit Maintenance

How to use the available filters to review visit data, understand the various visit exceptions, and how to clear/resolve each one. The user also learns how to manually create visits and adjust visits.

Group Visits (Agency)

How group visit information is viewed in Sandata EVV and how to perform visit maintenance on group visits.

It is recommended that each provider agency take all training courses to fully know how to use the Sandata EVV system.

About 48 to 72 business hours after you complete the initial, self-paced training courses in LMS, you will receive an email with information on how to download your Welcome Kit. The Welcome Kit includes information on how to:

  • Access and download your initial Sandata EVV system credentials.
  • Access information needed to log visits using the Sandata EVV telephony system.
  • Other helpful system information as you get started in Sandata EVV.

If you have any questions on registering for training, please reach out to Provider Assistance Center at papac1@gainwelltechnologies.com or call 1-800-248-2152 Option 1 for EVV.