Voting & Elections

The Department of State oversees election administration in Pennsylvania as well as campaign finance and lobbying disclosure.

Running for Office

If you are interested in running for elected office in Pennsylvania, you can find information on our website. 

Campaign Finance

The Department's Bureau of Campaign Finance and Lobbying Disclosure receives and posts campaign finance reports filed by candidates for statewide, legislative and judicial office. It also receives and posts campaign finance reports filed by Pennsylvania-registered political committees.

Lobbying Disclosure

The Department's Bureau of Campaign Finance and Lobbying Disclosure posts all filed registration statements and quarterly expense reports for registered lobbying firms, lobbyists, and principals. It also provides an annual report to the General Assembly outlining reported lobbying activities.

Special Elections

Pennsylvania holds special elections when an elected official can, for whatever reason, no longer serve in their role. Special elections may be held on the same day as a primary election, on the same day as a general election, or on a designated different day. 


Interested in election-related data? Need to file a campaign finance or lobbying disclosure form? Want to review the Department's guidances and directives about election administration to Pennsylvania's 67 counties? Start with our resources page.

Pennsylvania Voters

Visit our voter education website for official, trustworthy information about voting in Pennsylvania.