Developmental Programs for Providers

Supports Coordination Organization Qualifications

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has committed to the individuals who receive services through the Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) Waivers and to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that all Consolidated and P/FDS Waiver providers will be deemed qualified to provide their applicable services according to guidelines set forth in each of the waivers prior to rendering these services. 

Since Supports Coordination was added as a waiver service to the Consolidated and P/FDS Waivers in fiscal year 2007/2008, all Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs) must be qualified annually by the Office of Developmental Programs to provide supports coordination services.

In order to become a qualified Supports Coordination Organization, the following must occur:

  • For Supports Coordination Organizations that have not previously been qualified by the Office of Developmental Programs, the Initial Qualification process is followed. This process entails accessing and completing the Initial Supports Coordination Organization Qualification Application located on the MyODP Training and Resource Center, gathering the required supportive documents and signatures listed on the instructions, submitting the application and supporting documents to the Office of Developmental Programs, and complying with an on-site validation of the assurances and attestations listed in the application conducted by the Office of Developmental Programs. After the completion of this process, the Supports Coordination Organization must follow the Annual Qualification process listed below.

  • For Supports Coordination Organizations that have completed the Initial Qualification and validation process, an Annual Qualification process is followed. This process entails accessing and completing the Annual Supports Coordination Organization Qualification Application located on the MyODP Training and Resource Center, gathering the required supportive documents and signatures listed on the instructions, and submitting the application and supporting documents to the Office of Developmental Programs. The Annual Qualification process is conducted on a rolling basis, and each Supports Coordination Organization is notified in writing of its application due date. In place of the on-site validation conducted during the Initial Qualification process, qualified Supports Coordination Organizations comply with on-site monitoring conducted by the Office of Developmental Programs.


Supports Coordination Organizations that have questions regarding the Qualification process may email